New program preparing for the English oral Bagrut
What is the optimal way to prepare your students for their oral Bagrut exam in English?
How can we help the students study in a meaningful manner, which is more than just memorizing a text – studying that consists of deep understanding, enrichment and the ability to freely communicate in English?
The Jerusalem Post's LITE TALK program for high schools offers a new didactic method for students who are going to take the oral Bagrut exam in English: private telephone tutors in one-on-one sessions that will focus on the oral exam and its topics and at the same time work on grammar, fluency and the correct use of vocabulary.
How does it work?
The telephone session (its exact time will be decided beforehand with the English coordinator) will focus on the topics that the students will be asked about during the oral exam. LITETALK tutors will present the students with guiding questions in these various topics. The main advantage of the session is the fact that it is being conducted over the telephone – the students must participate in the conversation actively, answer the questions and actually speak English, because the tutor can only hear them. The tutor is attentive to only one student at a time, and so the student gets the tutor's full attention without competing for it with other students. The student can make the best of the 15 minute long conversation by going over the materials, and working on his weak points. Students who need help with grammatical topics will work on them as they practice the oral exam's topics. This way the student will achieve meaningful studying that is designed especially for him or her. All students without exception will gain extra opportunities (in addition to their regular English lessons at school) to practice their spoken English.
In each session the tutor will pick a topic or two regarding English grammar or syntax, and will practice it with the student. Every new word, phrase or idiom that the student learns during the session, as well as all the grammatical subjects, will be documented in the online system that accompanies the LITETALK project. All these materials will be sent to the students' email accounts, so they can read them and use them in extra exercises.
The friendly tone, the full attention that the student gets from the tutor, the Bagrut-aimed studying – all these factors make the students speak English and acknowledge the fact that they manage to do so. Even students who refrain from speaking out loud in the classroom will be able to listen to themselves speaking English, and it will contribute to their self confidence. The students will get to the Bagrut exam after they have practiced their speaking skills several times with the help of a tutor. The LITETALK project is an important addition to the variety of didactic activities that the English team at school can offer its students. LITETALK also assists English teachers in arranging the preparations for the oral Bagrut exam in a regimented and logical manner.
To learn more about this program please call 050-2052634